Measure and Annotate Medical Images with 3Dicom R&D

Measure and Annotate Medical Images with 3Dicom R&D

Singular Health

In 3Dicom R&D, you have the ability to measure and annotate in the 2D View, and view them in the 3D View.

On the Measure Tab, you will be able to use the following Markup Tools:

Markup Tools

Length Tool

The Length Tool allows you to measure in millimetres (mm). This is represented by a green colored line.

How to use:

Click two points on the scan to measure a distance between those. The distance will be calculated and appear in millimetres (mm).  

You can hold SHIFT after clicking the first time, and will snap into place with 22.5° from the original point.

Polygon Tool

The Polygon Tool allows you to create polygons of any shape in an image or area.

How to use:

Click multiple points on the scan to create a polygon, and click back on the first point created to close the resulting figure. The area within the geometrical figure will be automatically calculated and appear within the figure. 

You can hold SHIFT after clicking the first time, and will snap into place with 22.5° from the original point and the applies to the other points thereafter.

Circle Tool

How to use:

Click and drag on the scan to create and measure a circular or elliptic surface. 

You can adjust the dimensions of the circle by dragging its anchor points distributed alongside of the circumference.  

You can hold SHIFT after clicking and will snap into a clean circle and you can drag it to make the circle bigger or smaller, while maintaining the circle shape.

Angle Tool

How to use:

Click on the scan and create a 3-point figure. The angle comprised between the first and third point will be measured and will appear in correspondence of the second point. 

You can hold SHIFT after clicking the first time, and will snap into place with 22.5° from the original point and the applies to the other points thereafter.

Cobb Angle Tool

The Cobb Angle is commonly used to measure the magnitude of spinal deformities.

How to use:

Click two points on the scan to create the first plane of reference. Then click point 3 and 4 to create the second plane of reference. The Cobb angle between the 2 planes is automatically calculated and displayed. 

You can hold SHIFT after clicking the first time, and will snap into place with 22.5° from the original point and the applies to the other points thereafter.

Annotation Tool

How to use:

To add an annotation to the medical scan, select the Annotation tool in the Markup Tools and click on the area of interest on the 2D image. A new window will appear to add a title and description on the annotation. The title of the annotation will appear on the 3D view, and its description will be visible by hovering over the markup. 

Pen Tool

Pen Tool used in 3D View
Pen Tool used in 2D View (Sagittal Plane)

How to use:

Click and drag around the 2D View to draw around the slice. This will only be affecting the slice you are on, but you can repeatedly draw on it. If you draw on another slice, it will create another Pen on the Markups List.

This is also applicable to the 3D View.

Markups Panel

Every markup that you created will be added to the Markups Panel.

You also have options per markup

Toggle 2D – Hides the selected markup shown in the 2D View
Toggle 3D – Hides the selected markup shown in the 3D View
Toggle Lock – Locks the selected markup, which makes the markup unmodifiable.
Rename – Enables you to rename the selected markup. You can also double click on the markup to rename it.
Delete – Enables you to delete the selected markup. You can also press on ‘Delete’ on your keyboard to delete the selected markup.

You can filter the markup list by the type of markup you want.

You can also show and hide the labels in both 3D and 2D by clicking the toggles.

You have now learned how to use the Measurement Tools in 3Dicom R&D!
