FDA510(k) cleared collaborative 2D & 3D DICOM viewer for Mac & Windows

3Dicom MD is developed for medical practitioners, from radiologists to dentists, to add another dimension to their medical image review, with the ability to discuss dicom images in real-time introducing remote collaboration to radiology in a native 3D viewer.

Available for $29.95/mo on Windows & Mac OS X.

Disclaimer: 3Dicom MD is FDA cleared as a Class II Software-as-a-Medical-Device (SaMD) for diagnostic use in the United States. In jurisdictions where 3Dicom MD does not yet have clearances, 3Dicom MD must only be used for research and educational use.

Turn your desktop into a DICOM PACS Workstation with Intuitive File Management, Local Loading, PACS Integration & Medical File Transfer Protocol

Just as critical as being able to view the 3d imaging is the ability to easily access, load and manage DICOM images. For practitioners, dentists and radiology practices with direct access to existing diagnostic imaging equipment, or for those who receive scans on USB or CD, 3Dicom MD has local DICOM loading for local file directories & removable media.

For larger institutions, including teaching hospitals, universities and radiology groups, the MD tier of the software features local PACS integration to retrieve DICOM images from the local PACS server or DICOM node.

3Dicom’s own Medical File Transfer Protocol (MFTP) allows for the transfer of an anonymised dicom file between devices without the need for 3rd party file storage programs.

Collaborate in Real-Time with Other Practitioners and Radiologists

Medical imaging provides the ability to non-invasively visualise internal anatomy and pathology. However, interpreting these images which are still captured in greyscale is a difficult undertaking and usually requires trained radiologists who can add annotations and flag areas of interest.

3Dicom’s image processing quickly converts a series of 2D images and 2D annotations and measurements into a 3D VR reconstruction for easier visualisation.

For medical practitioners operating remotely or who want to quickly access the expertise of a radiologist in real-time to discuss the medical images and query particular areas, 3Dicom MD features real-time collaboration.

In-built data transfer, voice and text chat, and the ability to request control and communicate effectively with visual aids and 3D visualization goes well beyond standard screen sharing.

Session Saving & Sharing

After loading a scan in 3Dicom, all changes are tracked (including markups, model rotation, density and display values) and can be saved as a ‘Session’ to be loaded at a later point or even shared with others.
Users can decide upon the level of information to be shared when sending a Session with the ability to toggle on/off the various settings and anonymise the scan data itself

Measure & Annotate Medical Images in 2D and View Results in 3D Rendering

We understand that radiologists and experienced surgeons are experts at reading and interpreting the greyscale images generated by CT, MRI and PET scans.
However, for younger practitioners, nurses & support staff, 3D visualization of the patient’s anatomy can help understand the location and size of particular anatomy and pathology.

3Dicom MD doesn’t just convert the 2D medical images to 3D but the measurements, annotations and markups too.
This allows for radiologists to do what they do best in 2D whilst practitioners, dentists and end-users benefit from easily-understood 3D views and the standard 2D views.

3Dicom MD also features…

Video Recording, Screenshots and Media Library

A suite of media recording tools built into the software allow for radiologists and medical practitioners to capture images of the 2D and/or 3D views to embed in reports along with screen and audio recording for easily explaining and communicating more complex topics.
Images and videos are stored as common file types (.jpg and .MP4) for easy external use.

Save Progress and Share Findings with Sessions

After loading a scan in 3Dicom, all changes are tracked (including markups, model rotation, density and display values) and can be saved as a ‘Session’ to be loaded at a later point or even shared with others.
Users can decide upon the level of information to be shared when sending a Session with the ability to toggle on/off the various settings and anonymise the scan data itself.

DICOM Anonymisation & Data Protection

The protection of Protected Health Information, also known as Personal Health Information (PHI), is an integral part of 3Dicom MD.
Patient data sent during Session sharing and/or real-time collaborative calls is anonymised by editing the PHI in the DICOM tags, AES 128-bit encrypted and stored on HIPAA & GDPR compliant servers.

Optimised For Laptops & Low Speed Internet

Despite cutting-edge ray casting and volume rendering, our DICOM viewer is extremely lightweight both in graphics processing power requirements and in bandwidth required for the collaborative features.
This allows it to be used on standard laptops across MacOS and Windows and in countries and locations with poor internet connectivity.

Floating License Keys for Multiple Devices

All licenses of 3Dicom MD come with three (3) floating license keys intended to allow Users to install the software on multiple devices and eliminating the need to login each time.
Users can transfer DICOM series between devices by sharing a scan / session to their own email address to continue working on a separate device.

And more…


3D Image Manipulation & Visualisation


Collaborative Medical Workflows & Analysis


Medical Image Segmentation & AI Models

On-device DICOM image loading, local file storage & standard 2D views

Visualise CT, PET & MRI scans in 2D & 3D with the Rotate, Pan & Zoom tool

Intuitive HU Window Feature exposes internal anatomy & structures

Measure and annotate with industry standard tools in 2D

Integrates with local PACS systems for improved workflows

Conduct remote collaborative sessions with internal communication system

Segment specific anatomy and export to .STL files for 3D print

Import and visualise patient-specific implants and guides with MCAD

Perform in-silico testing of medical devices and test the output of R&D phase medical AI models

Educate med students & bio-engineers with real pathology & cases in 3D.
