Share, Convert and Export Medical Images within the 3Dicom Ecosystem (3Dicom Patient)

Share, Convert and Export Medical Images within the 3Dicom Ecosystem (3Dicom Patient)

Singular Health

In 3Dicom Viewer, you have the ability to share to other 3Dicom users, convert and export medical images.

On the Connect Tab, you are able to do all these things all in one place.

Share Scan

In the 3Dicom Ecosystem, you can share medical images to other 3Dicom users for them to view and manipulate inside the software. Click the button to start the sharing button:

– You will need need to select the type of device / usage when sharing a medical scan.
– You are required to add a name to the medical scan you are sharing to another 3Dicom user. You can also add an optional description to make it more identifiable by the receiver of the medical scan.
– You can assign the file expiration from 1 day to 7 days.
– Click ‘Next’ to proceed to the next step.
– Add the email address used by the 3Dicom User you are sharing with.
– You can anonymise the medical scan you are sharing.
– You can also share to multiple users, by adding their email address.
– You can also share the session, which will include any changes you want to show.

– Before uploading/sending, you will need to tick the declaration.
– Once acknowledged, you can click ‘Upload’

– The medical scan will then be uploaded to the cloud.
– You have a limit of 5GB per user.
– Once its uploaded and shared, it will show a pop up on the top left corner.

You have now learned how to share medical images other 3Dicom users in 3Dicom Patient!
