How to load a shared scan from Medical File Transfer Protocol (MFTP) on 3Dicom Patient

How to load a shared scan from Medical File Transfer Protocol (MFTP) on 3Dicom Patient

Singular Health

There are different ways of loading scans into 3Dicom Patient, and opening shared DICOM files from another user of 3Dicom Viewer is one of them.

Download a shared scan from the Shared Tab

On the Scan Database, you can download scans that have been shared internally using Medical File Transfer Protocol (MFTP) in 3Dicom Viewer.

Medical File Transfer Protocol with 3Dicom Patient - Transferring DICOM files with ease

To download a scan from MFTP:

  • Click on a scan that is on Shared Scans.
  • This will download the scan and import it to the Local Database.

Here is a quick video of how to do it:

Once you shared scan is downloaded, it gets imported to the Local Database.

It will be under ‘NA’.

When you load a shared scan that a has a session shared with it, you have the option to open the session as well, as shown in the video below

You have successfully downloaded and opened a shared scan in 3Dicom Patient!
