3Dicom MD Feature List

3Dicom MD Feature List

Singular Health

3Dicom MD Feature List

3Dicom MD is developed for medical practitioners, from radiologists to dentists, to add another dimension to their medical image review, with the ability to discuss dicom images in real-time introducing remote collaboration to radiology in a native 3D viewer.

3Dicom MD is FDA cleared as a Class II Software-as-a-Medical-Device (SaMD) for diagnostic use in the United States. In jurisdictions where 3Dicom MD does not yet have clearances, 3Dicom MD must only be used for research and educational use.

3Dicom MD has features presented in 3Dicom Patient Feature List.

File Management

Search/Filter the Scan Database by Patient Name, Study ID or Series ID in any of the ‘Local’, ‘MFTP’, ‘PACS’ or ‘3D Model’ tabs
Users can rename the “Patient Name” by double clicking on the Patient name field anywhere that the field occurs in the Scan Database
Load DICOM & NII files into the program from a local Picture Archiving and Communications System through the Scan Database (with initial configuration settings entered in ‘Global Settings’) by clicking on the ‘PACS’ tab and viewing/opening PACS files from there
Load DICOM & NII files into the program from a cloud-based Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) through the Scan Database (with initial configuration settings entered in ‘Global Settings’) by clicking on the ‘PACS’ tab and viewing/opening cloud PACS records/files from there.
Load/Retrieve and view radiological reports from local directory linked to a patient/study or series in the Scan Database by clicking on the Patient Name in the ‘Local’ tab, then the relevant study and finding the report in the ‘Series’ 3/3 panel.
Load/Retrieve and view radiological reports from local PACS linked to a patient/study or series in the Scan Database by clicking on the Patient Name in the ‘PACS’ tab, then the relevant study and finding the report in the ‘Series’ 3/3 panel.
Load/Retrieve and view radiological reports from cloud-based PACS linked to a patient/study or series in the Scan Database by clicking on the Patient Name in the ‘PACS’ tab, then the relevant study and finding the report in the ‘Series’ 3/3 panel.
Create/save a Session relating to a particular scan to the Scan Database with a ‘Session Name’ and Notes by clicking ‘Save’ in the top-bar; saved states include but aren’t limited to 3D Model position, HU density values of upper/lower thresholds, brightness, contrast and opacity settings, 3D slicing positions, measurements, annotations and 2D view positions/slices.
Create/save a Session relating to a particular scan to the Scan Database with a ‘Session Name’ and Notes upon Exit or at particular event-based milestones; saved states include but aren’t limited to 3D Model position, HU density values of upper/lower thresholds, brightness, contrast and opacity settings, 3D slicing positions, measurements, annotations, 2D view positions/slices, segmentation settings, and Computer Aided Design file settings/parameters and positions.
User can share a file from the top menu. Spawns a modal popup that steps user through saving, anonymisation, compression and exporting (via email or via MFTP) process.
User can share a session (and associated scan) by clicking through the “Patient”, “Studies” and “Series” panels and then clicking on a “Sessions ICON” next to the series. This opens a popup with a list of the sessions associated with the scan and their date of creation/last modified and a share icon next to each session. If a user clicks to share a session, they can choose to anonymise the series and/or toggle on/off what attributes are part of the shared session prior to sharing via MFTP.
User can share radiological report(s) by browsing through the “Scan Database” to a specific Study and then clicking on the Share icon next to the report in the list. A dialog box opens and provides the ability to send via email or MFTP and requests the user to check a box stating they have permission to share it.
User can export file(s) from MFTP, PACS, Cloud PACS to their local directory directly from the tabbed interface by clicking into “MFTP”, “PACS” tabs and then clicking on an Export/Download Icon next to the chosen Study or Series. A disclaimer is shown in a dialog box along with option to anonymise scan prior to Export/Download.
User can export a radiological report to their local directory from the “MFTP” and “PACS” tabs by clicking on an Export/Download Icon next to the desired report.
User can save their current session / scan by clicking on the “Save” button in the top bar.

Visualisation & Manipulation of Medical Scans

Users can visualise where the cursor is in one-plane across other 2D planes with planar cross hairs to correlate the cursor position in different planes.
Users can edit the sensitivity of the Panning and Rotation by navigating to “Settings – General” and using the “Pan Sensitivity” and/or “Rotation Sensitivity” sliders to personalise the level of sensitivity. 
Using a mouse and keyboard, click on the text fields above the Hounsfield / Density slider in the LHS ‘Display Panel’ and click then type to enter precise density values to expose desired anatomical structures
Utilise preset density value ranges to visualise certain anatomical structures (CT scans only) such as skin, muscle and bone with icons to toggle these ranges on and off
Input precise Brightness, contrast and opacity values in addition to the slider input by clicking on the text field next to each slider and using a keyboard to enter a precise value
Slice’ into the 3D model in the three 2D planes; Sagittal, Coronal and Transverse using slider tools located in the LHS ‘Display’ panel controlled by a mouse as the inputs
Lower’ & ‘Upper’ slice values are represented in small boxes above each 2D plane slider for #59 and can be entered manually for precise control.
User can click on the ‘Reset’ icon above the Sagittal, Coronal and Transverse sliders (#59) to reset the scan to its default slicing position
Toggle on/off hyper-realistic colour rendering with lighting, shadows etc. based on density value ranges (CT scans only) by enabling the “Enable Colour Rendering” button at the bottom of the “Display” panel on the LHS. Only works with CT scans and compatible hardware.
Capture screenshots of the 3D volumetric model with annotations & measurements by clicking on the “Camera icon” next to the Navigation cube. Saves image to a standard file directory location such as ‘Downloads’  or a custom file path/destination can be set in “Global Settings -> Media”.
Capture screenshots of the 2D scan images in a particular 2D plane with annotations & measurements shown by clicking on the small camera icon next to the 2D view on the right hand side panel. Saves image to a standard file directory location such as ‘Downloads’  or a custom file path/destination can be set in “Global Settings -> Media”.
Capture video recordings of the 3D view by clicking on ‘Record’ in the “Media” panel in the LHS panel with/without UI + markups recorded (as chosen in the Global Settings) and with/without Microphone recording (as chosen in “Media” panel in LHS).
Capture video recordings of individual 2D views by clicking and holding the Camera Icon next to a 2D view in the RHS panel until the Camera Icon turns red. User can then interact with the 2D scans and record until clicking on the Red Camera Icon again.
Orientate the 2D views and flip them horizontally by clicking on the “Flip Horizontally Icon” on the right-hand side panel corresponding to a particular 2D view.
Orientate the 2D views and flip them vertically by clicking on the “Flip Vertically Icon” on the right-hand side panel corresponding to a particular 2D view.
Inverse the direction in which a user scrolls through the series of 2D images by clicking on the ‘Image Stack Icon’ on the RHS panel
View the current image number in the Tranverse, Coronal and Sagittal planes represented over the total images in that plane. I.e. 84/512 in the Coronal plane or 280/620 in the transverse plane)
Rotate the camera/first person view of the 3D model, rather than the model itself, to view internal structures from a single position (360* immersive view) by clicking on……

Measurements & Annotations

Visualise and edit annotations in the scan in 2D views (DOT + label in 2D views). Edit information by double clicking on the respective Annotation in the filterable Markup list of Annotations and Measurements located in the ‘Measure’ panel on the LHS panel. Clicking and holding on the DOT in the 2D views creates a dialog box with the 3D spatial coordinates, the Title and a =>200 character description and ability to drag the annotation to a new location.
Visualise and edit annotations in the scan in 3D view (Dotted line and Title in 3D view). Clicking on the DOT in the 3D view creates a dialog box with the 3D spatial co-ordinates, the Title and a =>200 character description and ability to drag the annotation to a new location.
Toggle to select whether all annotations / measurements and markups are displayed in 2D views
Toggle to select whether all annotations / measurements and markups are displayed in 3D view
Generate Annotations in 2D views (arrow + label) which are also placed and viewed in 3D model (as a dot + label) in a light blue colour by clicking on the “Annotation” button in the “Measure” panel on the left-hand-side (LHS) and then clicking anywhere on a 2D view/plane to add a label. 
Draw/measure a straight line between two points in a 2D view by clicking on “Length” button in the “Measure” panel and then clicking and dragging between two points on a 2D image. This has the ability to toggle individual length measurements on/off in 2D and/or 3D views by ‘cycling’ through ‘2D’, ‘3D’ and ‘Hidden’ options by clicking on the relevant measurement in the LHS panel list of measurements and annotations. All line measurements/drawings are coloured light green. 
View any/all straight line measurements/drawings in 2D and 3D views loaded from previous sessions or shared by another user of 3Dicom
Draw/measure a closed polygon in a 2D view by clicking on “Polygon” in the “Measure” panel and creating multiple points in a 2D view by clicking. This has the ability to toggle area & perimeter measurements on/off in 2D and/or 3D views by cycling through ‘2D’, ‘3D’ and ‘Hidden’ options by clicking on the relevant measurement in the LHS panel list of measurements and annotations. All polygon measurements/drawings are coloured bright red.
View any/all closed polygon measurements/drawings in 2D and 3D views loaded from previous sessions or shared by another user of 3Dicom
Draw/measure a circle in a 2D view by clicking on the “Circle” button in the “Measure” panel and click and drag on a 2D image. This has the ability to toggle diameter, circumference and area measurements on/off in 2D and/or 3D views by cycling through ‘2D’, ‘3D’ and ‘Hidden’ options by clicking on the relevant measurement in the LHS panel list of measurements and annotations. All circle measurements/drawings are coloured dark blue.
View any/all circle measurements/drawings in 2D and 3D views loaded from previous sessions or shared by another user of 3Dicom
Measurement of a single angle on a 2D plane by clicking on the “Angle” button in the “Measure” panel and then clicking three times on a 2D plane to create an origin point, point of incidence and a final point. The resultant angle is then displayed overlaid on the 2D plane near the point of incidence. The 2D angle tool has the ability to toggle angle measurement on/off in 2D and/or 3D views by cycling through ‘2D’, ‘3D’ and ‘Hidden’ options by clicking on the relevant measurements in the LHS panel list of measurements and annotations. All angle measurements/drawings are coloured bright orange.
Measurement of COBB angle on a 2D plane
View any/all COBB angle measurements/drawings in 2D and 3D views loaded from previous sessions or shared by another user of 3Dicom
View any/all 3D length measurement in the 3D view
Toggle visualisation of 3D measurements on/off
View any/all 3D angle measurement(s) in the 3D view
Toggle visualisation of 3D angle measurements on/off
View labels and measurements of any/all drawings, measurements and/or annotations as a list in the “Measure” panel with the ability to filter which measurements are displayed in the list. 
Delete any annotations, drawings and/or measurements created relevant to that user’s access level as described above from #83 – 102 by using the Bin icon next to any of the measurements / annotations in the list in the LHS “Measure” panel or by clicking on a measurement/annotation in a 2D view and using the “Delete” key on the keyboard.
Rename any annotations, drawings and/or measurements created relevant to that user’s access level as described above from #83- 102 by double clicking on any of the measurements / annotations in the list in the LHS “Measure” panel.
Hover over any measurement in the list of measurements / annotations in the LHS “Measure” panel or on the visual representation of the measurement in a 2D plane to spawn a dialog box just below and to the right of the cursor with the finer details of the measurement and/or annotation

Media Recording

Users can view an in-application “Media Gallery” in the “Media” panel on the LHS which contains images and videos acquired of the loaded Scan in the current, and/or previous, 3Dicom session.
Users can click on a thumbnail in the “Media Gallery” to open an in-application preview of the images/videos. Users can also click on a ‘Bin’ icon in the Media Gallery to delete images / videos acquired during the current session. Users can share the images via email directly from the Media Gallery.
Users can edit where the image and video files are saved to by accessing the “Settings -> Media” tab and clicking “Change Save Location”
Users can select whether or not measurements, annotations, segments and all other ‘markups/edits’ are displayed in screenshots / videos by toggling the “Markups in Media” setting located in “Settings -> Media” tab.  Set to False and uneditable for 3Dicom Patient users.
Users can select whether or not to display the User Interface (side panels etc.) in screenshots / videos by toggling the “UI Recording” setting located in “Settings -> Media” tab. Set to False and uneditable for 3Dicom Patient users.


A User must verify their identity/name by clicking on the “Collaborate” panel in the LHS panel and then logging into their 3Dicom account (if not already logged in)
A HOST user can create / host a collaborative call by clicking on the “Start Session” button in the “Collaborate Panel” AFTER they have loaded the scan/scan session. This spawns a modal popup that steps them through a Disclaimer/consent section, a save section to toggle on/off some of the measurements etc. and then an invite page to share the initial invites with other users by email or with a unique ‘Session ID’ code that is generated and then shared by the Host by any means.
Host can assign another attendee to be the Host unless the other attendee is a 3Dicom Patient tier.
User(s) can join a Collaborative session by entering a unique session code received by email or by other means provided by the host. User(s) can view all segments, measurements, annotations etc. but can’t interact/save that data on their device unless they are made to be the Host.
All invited ‘guest’ users are shared the raw scan data along with the measurements, annotations etc. However, whilst they’re in the Collaborative session, their other UI panels are locked down unless they’re given control. If they’re given control, they are able to rotate and manipulate the model with all 3Dicom Lite functionality but no other tools unless they are made to be a host. Additionally, Guest users can’t record the screen/images using 3Dicom. 
All attendees in a Collaborative Session appear as Circular Icons above the scan in the main interactive scene with profile picture and/or Initials based on their name in their account.
During the session, the Host shall have a Yellow circle around their circular icon/picture and any other attendees who hover over the circle see {Name of Host} + “is hosting this session.”
During the session, any User who has been given Control shall have a Purple circle around their circular icon/picture and any other Guest attendees who hover over the circle see {Name of user with control} + “is currently controlling the session.” All attendees also see a drop-down list with the option to “Request Control” added to those mentioned in #129. If the host hovers over the circular icon, they see options as per #132.
During a collaborative session, the User who has the highest microphone level in the voice chat shall be denoted as the person speaking. This User shall have a Bright Blue circle around their circular icon/picture. 
All guest Users (not Host) can hover over other Users’ circular Icons/pictures and see a drop-down below with the ability to Mute or Block in Chat (or Request Control as per #127). The Host can not be muted or blocked in chat by any other Users.
If a User is muted, a muted microphone symbol is overlaid on their Circular Icon. Users can hover over their icon for a dropdown list and ability to Unmute themselves.
If the Host hovers over other Users’ circular icons/pictures, they see a drop-down with the option to Remove User, Mute, Block from Chat (or unblock), Assign Control/Revoke Control and/or Assign to a Host (if the other User is MD/Surgical)
The Host has global settings for the Collaborative Session located in the “Collaborate” Panel on the LHS which include Webinar Mode, Mute All, Toggle on/off chat, auto-admit attendees, share UI, enable/disable laser pointers, and Record session.
If the Host enables Webinar Mode by navigating to the “Collaborate” Panel on the LHS UI and toggling on the “Webinar Mode” setting, none of the other users in the collaborative session can use Voice Chat, Text Chat or take control. They can listen to the Host and see the changes the Host is making to the data.
Mute All; the Host can toggle on a setting to Mute All attendees at once temporarily or permanently using two toggles in the “Collaborate” Panel. If it is temporarily, Individual attendees can unmute themselves as per #131. If it is permanent, the option to Unmute is greyed out or removed entirely for Guests
The Host can toggle the Text Chat on/off for the whole session. Text is temporal and is not stored with the Collaborative session except in the video recording. Toggling text chat off & on again does not clear the text chat from the Collaborative session. 
The Host can invite Users at the beginning as per #122. Additionally, during the Collaborative Session, the Host can click on a Circular Icon with a Plus sign inside it (located to the right of the other Circular Icons) and enter an email address to invite another user to the session. During the session, the Host can also copy the unique Session ID (located in top left of “Collaborate” panel on LHS of UI) at any time and share it via any means to other 3Dicom users. 
Attendees (everyone except Host) can also click on the Circular Icon with a Plus sign inside it (located to the right of the other Circular Icons) and enter an email address to invite another user to the session. During the session, they can also copy the unique Session ID (located in top left of “Collaborate” panel on LHS of UI) at any time and share it via any means to other 3Dicom users. However, when a new guest joins the Session, the Host must “admit” them to the Collaborative Session in a small popup dialog box. 
Hosts can choose to avoid having to admit/vet Attendees as per #137 by toggling on a setting called “Auto-admit attendees” which is located in the “Collaborate” panel. If this is selected, any Users added to a Session are automatically added once they join via email invite or by Unique Session ID.
Host can toggle whether or not to share their UI during a Collaborative Session using a toggle in the Collaborate panel. If they don’t share UI, then none of the UI changes made by any Users are replicated on other Attendees’ 3Dicom UIs. This still allows for text and voice communication and visually the changes to the model/data but not the names/details in the UI.
Host can enable/disable laser pointers for all users by toggling on/off a setting in the “Collaborate” panel on the LHS UI.
All users have laser pointers which are controlled by their mouse and raycast to the model. These laser pointers are coloured seperately and should have some distinguishing feature to allow users to know who ‘owns’ each laser pointer.
In addition to #130, Users can select “Ask a Question” from the dropdown menu on Circular Icons. This adds a temporary (30 second) “Hand” icon to the Circular icon of the user who ‘asked the question’ which can be seen by all other Attendees.
Collaborative sessions will feature a text chat feature located in the bottom left of the main screen and scrolling to show the 10 most recent chat messages. No links can be added to the chat and there shall be a profanity filter. 
The host can screen record the Collaborative Session including their UI, the text chat and the audio/voice chat and save as a MP4.
Collaborative sessions shall feature voice chat functionality, allowing for all Users to speak and be heard by other users concurrently unless Muted.
Users can Block / Unblock other Users in chat using the dropdown menu detailed in #130. The Host can not be blocked.
When the Host clicks ‘Leave Session’, if there are any other Attendees present, the Host has the option to assign them to be a Host. If Host chooses not to, collaborative session is ended for all Users and data for session is removed at all endpoints except Host.


Users can view all of the DICOM tags from the loaded Scan / Session and sort them from A-Z and search in a scrollable list. User can expand / collapse this scrollable list for additional space in the panel.
Users can fully anonymise DICOM tags and save as a new series.
Users can convert the DICOM to .NII format by clicking on a button located in the Research panel of the LHS UI that says “Convert DICOM”. This spawns a modal popup which provides the User with the ability to choose the desired output format via a drop-down list, the destination folder and any other parameters. For Surgical users, the output type can be changed to .NRRD or .MHD as per #155 & 156
User can bulk export the raw DICOM to .JPG in the X, Y, Z planes as one of the drop down options detailed in #156.
User can bulk export the raw DICOM to .PNG in the X, Y, Z planes as one of the drop down options detailed in #156.

General Settings

Users can toggle tooltips on/off by navigating to “Settings -> General” and toggling on/off the “Enable Tooltips” setting.
Users can create hotkey shortcuts using either individual mouse and keyboard inputs or a combination of mouse and keyboard inputs. These hotkeys can be configured by the User in the Global Settings panel under the “Controls” tab
Users can edit their Media settings in the Settings panel under the “Media” tab as per #114 – 118. 
Users can edit their Hotkey combinations in “Settings -> Hotkey” tab.