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3Dicom 與越來越多的第 3 方程序和硬件集成,以幫助您從醫學圖像中提取最多的細節和價值。

最近的 3Dicom 集成

  • 索尼電子將展示具有 3Dicom MD 集成的空間現實顯示器 (ELF-SR1),用於 3D 醫學可視化。
    We are pleased to announce that we have concluded a multi-month technical integration of its 3Dicom MD with Sony Electronics’ 15.6″ Spatial Reality Display (ELF-SR1). Sony’s Spatial Reality Display (ELF-SR1) is an award-winning high resolution glasses free 3D display which is being exhibited, with Singular’s 3Dicom MD software integrated, at …


  • Orthanc PACS 服務器
    With Orthanc PACS Server Integration, healthcare providers can easily access medical images stored on Orthanc, while Singular Health 3Dicom provides advanced visualization and analysis tools to help healthcare providers diagnose and treat patients more effectively. Together, these two systems form a comprehensive medical imaging solution that can help healthcare providers …


  • 施耐德數字立體 3D
    3Dicom is a powerful tool for medical professionals looking to incorporate 3D imaging into their practices. With Schneider Digital Stereo 3D integration, users can enjoy a seamless and efficient workflow, making it easier than ever to visualize and analyze complex medical images. This integration allows for precise measurements, in-depth analysis, …


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3Dicom Technical Integration